Thursday, 21 February 2013

Real Ingenious Recommended Sdn Bhd Intake for Your Daily Beverages

Each day people are puzzled on what is the best recommended daily intake of beverages they should consume let alone healthy drinks they should have too. People need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as it is an integral part of their healthy diet. Juicing helps to add and meet the recommended daily intake requirements by juicing fruits and vegetables. 1 cup of freshly squeezed juice equals to 1 cup of fruits or vegetables. Keep in mind that storing the fresh juice for long extended periods of time will cause bacterial growth so only juice what will be consumed at that time. Consuming at least 2 cups of 100 percent juice to meet fruit consumption requirements and to meet vegetable requirements drink at least 2 ½ cups of vegetable juice.

Watch how to make nutritious vegetable juice!

The healthiest drink individuals should consume is water. Each day individuals lose water on a daily basis from perspiration, urination, metabolism, or respiration, Drinking water help individuals avoid dehydration. The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) began to recommend different amounts of water based on a person’s age, health status, and gender. The USDA recommends that individuals need to drink enough water to replace what is lost. Individuals should consume at least a liter of water per day which is approximately 4.23 cups of water. Adult men and women need 2.7 liters of water too.

Another healthy drink individuals should consume is ice lemon tea as the benefits are helpful to their health. Ice lemon tea has high levels of antioxidants and flavonoids properties. Adding the lemon juice will increase levels of vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C helps to maintain the body’s collagen levels, skin’s elasticity, boost immune system, strengthen the body’s bones, joints, and blood vessels walls and absorption of iron. Ice lemon tea easily relieves thirst and absorbs nutrients quickly. The lemon helps with relieving digestion problems such as acid reflux, indigestion and bloating.

Coconut drinks are healthy drinks that are low in calories, contains vitamins, macronutrients, minerals, low in fat and high in potassium chock full in electrolytes. One cup of coconut water contains 6 grams of sugar, 3 grams from fiber, and 2 grams of protein. Coconut drinks contains about 294 mg of potassium and it has double the amount of potassium compared to sports drinks which have approximately 117mg of potassium.

Sports drinks offer nutrient replacements such as potassium and magnesium as they both help to relieve muscle weakness and potassium. Once the body gets low in electrolytes there are higher chances of increasing an injury. Research has found that sports drinks are packed with sodium, potassium, and other needed electrolytes to replenish the body. Unfortunately some drinks have more sugar in them compared to sodas which can cause unwanted weight gain if the individual isn't exercising regularly. It’s best to consume these types of drinks if the person is regularly active but if they aren't then drinking water is a better option to stay hydrated.

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